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Why do we need Edge Computing for a sustainable future?

With its popularity increasing, one question is consistently arising over the past few years— how can edge computing be used to improve sustainability? In this blog, we will briefly discuss how edge computing can be used to improve sustainability and which factors have made edge computing cheaper and easier. What is Edge Computing? Edge computing is a distributed information technology (IT) architecture in which client data processing occurs as close to the originating source as possible at the network’s periphery. Simply put, it is a matter of location. Here, data production occurs at a client endpoint in traditional enterprise computing. For example, consider a user’s computer. In this case, the data transfer occurs across a WAN, such as the internet, using the corporate LAN, where the enterprise application stores and processes it. The results of that work are then communicated back to the client endpoint. For most common business applications, this is still a tried-and-true approach to client-server computing. Let us see how can edge computing be used to improve sustainability. How can Edge Computing be Used to Improve Sustainability? In recent years, cloud computing has become popular, with numerous businesses migrating to cloud platforms. However, its rapid growth has …

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Influencers Interview With Roger Williams – CEO at Mobile Blockchain Solutions

Introduction In today’s interview, we had the opportunity to speak with Roger Williams – Chief Executive Officer at Mobile Blockchain Solutions. Roger has been embedded in the IOT (internet of things), LiFi Technology, and Cryptocurrency/ Blockchain development industry since 2017. In his current role as CEO at Mobile Blockchain Solutions, Roger is a liaise with industry stakeholders, government agencies, Treasury, banks, educational institutions, executives, entrepreneurs, developers and founders. Q1. Hey Roger Williams, Tell Us How Did You Become Passionate About Internet of Things. What Made You Choose This Profession? I first got introduced to the Internet of things in 2018 while studying blockchain. That’s when learned about how we would be tying physical asset to the internet. Q2. Tell Us About Your Role and the Journey as CEO at Mobile Blockchain Solutions. My role as CEO of the Mobile Blockchain Solutions is to bring to life the projects from clients in the Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 space.  There are some many new projects that are currently solving real world issues.  Here at the Mobile Blockchain Solutions our team of amazing consultants, and developers are here to give our clients the best service, efficient an awesome quality product, and an …

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Why does the Samsung Balance Mouse run away if you try to overwork?

Samsung has found a great solution to maintaining the desired work-life balance. At least, that is exactly what its new product suggests. Samsung’s new ‘Balance Mouse’ is all you need for a balance between your work and your life. So, what’s the hype all about, and how does the Samsung Balance Mouse work? The Samsung Balance Mouse At this instant, Samsung clearly does not want people to work a lot. The South Korean smartphone giant has innovated a new computer mouse that is unlike the typical mouse. This is because it is exclusively designed to stop people from overworking. Debuted as the Samsung Balance Mouse, it runs away from the desk the moment you start working a lot. To add to our imagination, Samsung’s mouse not only works like a ‘real mouse’ but also looks like one. However, it is unavailable in the market yet as currently, as the mouse is still a concept. The company created it in collaboration with an ad agency. The Samsung Balance Mouse was first spotted in a video posted on Samsung’s Korean YouTube channel. If you are wondering the motive behind ideating this mouse, it is simple and plain. The main motto behind the …

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Along with iPhone 14 Models, what products did Apple launch? Check out their specs and prices!

The iPhone 14 models are finally here! All in all, Apple launched some of its most anticipated products at its September event. Among them are the much-awaited iPhone 14 series along with the new Watch Series 8, Watch Ultra, and the next-gen AirPods Pro. Finally, after uncountable rumors and possible leaks on the iPhone 14 series, we have the legit model in our hands. However, it would be very unlikely for  Apple to not give us a massive surprise. So, we have a new iPhone 14 model with a brand-new name—the iPhone 14 Plus! Let us, hence, take a glimpse of the specs and features of the Apple iPhone 14 series. We will also go through the other products launched at the Apple September event. iPhone 14 Models: What do we have?   Consequently, Apple launched the iPhone 14 and the iPhone 14 Plus on 7 September. Interestingly, the new iPhones come with few new features, have a familiar design and more. Another key point is that the iPhone 14 Plus replaces the older “iPhone 13 mini” model with a bigger model with a 6.7-inch screen. Price of the iPhone 14 Series:   iPhone 14: $799 (Rs. 79,000)  iPhone 14 …

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Understanding the Importance of IoT (Internet of Things) : Pros, Cons, and Opinions

“I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.” – Alan Turing  It seems as if everybody is talking about IoT. The good, the bad, the alarming advent as well as the importance. In the current time where everything is dominated by technology, it is vital for us to understand the importance of Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things or IoT refers to the way of connecting physical objects through the internet to other devices. According to Oracle, more than 7 billion connected IoT devices are currently operating today. In fact, experts anticipate this figure to grow to 22 billion by 2025. Speaking of its relevance, numerous devices in our home can connect to each other and share information using IoT. As a result, our regular household items can (or are able to) integrate with sophisticated tech to do more. Moreover, IoT is smart tech. Although it is currently in an embryogenic stage, it will, sooner or later, evolve. Who knows we might actually have more than just driverless cars and …

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What is Data Mining and Data Warehousing?  

In recent years, data mining has emerged as a vital process for enterprises as well as SMBs (small and midsize businesses). Data mining has helped transform the derived information into a comprehensible structure for further use. But what are data mining and Data Warehousing?   In this blog, we will comprehensively discuss data mining as well as its various advantages in the world of business. Additionally, we will also discuss the difference between data warehousing and data mining and how the data warehouse is advantageous for businesses. What is Data Mining?   Data mining is not only a buzzword in the business world but it also has frequent applications to any form of large-scale data or information processing as well as any application of computer decision support systems. In simple words, it involves the process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets that involve methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database system. Precisely, it is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and statistics with an overall goal of extracting information from a data set and transforming information into a comprehensible structure for further use. Data mining is a key component of data analytics. It is one of the …

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Latest 10 Longest flying Time Drones Review in 2022

How often have you wondered what is longest flying time drones? Do you look at the sky and you always spot some flying objects (not UFOS) up above hovering over your head?   Be it on the top of mountains, on plains, or in the middle of an ocean. In fact, there is always one person with a flying drone capturing scenic beauty. If you want to be that person, keep reading! We are also sure you have browsed through numerous options looking for long flying drones that do not burn a hole in your pocket while flying. Therefore, this blog is where your search ends now.        Now, all you need to do is to go through our compilation of some of the “Longest flying time drones in 2022.” Here, you will find affordable premium flying machines with a detailed buying guide. You can also pick the one that works the best for you, has amazing features, and suits your budget.        So, without wasting any more time, let’s get to the list of some of the longest flying time drones in 2022. We have also mentioned their specifications to help you choose the best long flying drones for yourself.        1. …

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What are the 8 best paraphrasing tools and how to use them?

Are you a digital marketer or writer or an academician or researcher or blogger? Above all, are you looking for techniques to deliver unique content? Well, we have it. In fact, the secret to unique, high-quality, and human content is…paraphrasing! Marketers, writers, students, and above all, bloggers use some of the best paraphrasing tools to produce unique content.  Regardless of how good of a writer you are, however, there’s a probability that your content has some mirrored (or copied) content (at some point in time).  But, don’t worry. Interestingly, the catch here is paraphrasing. To begin with, paraphrasing means altering or rewriting sentences or phrases without actually changing their meaning or context. Therefore, if you are looking to give that unique touch to your content, we have enlisted the 8 best paraphrasing tools available online.  Best Paraphrasing Tools Available Online  Quillbot Subscription: Free (paraphrases up to 125 words); Premium (no word limit)  Quillbot is one of the best paraphrasing tools available online. Whether it is a portion of a text or an entire article, it can paraphrase anything. After you enter a piece of text, all you have to do is hit the paraphrase button and watch Quillbot do the …

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Epic Video Game Villains: 10 Antagonists You’ll love to hate

Introduction Who is a hero without a villain? How do you remember a game without mentioning the video game villains?   Batman and the Joker, Professor X and Magneto, Gandalf and Saruman, Dumbledore and Grindelwald, our beloved heroes and villains certainly go hand-in-hand. Hence, the same goes for video games. In fact, here, we remember the gaming villains more than we remember the heroes. Although games can be memorable for multiple reasons, some of the most iconic gaming villains make them unforgettable. Who does not remember Far Cry 3 and its complementing Vaas? Do you recall Jason (protagonist) as much as you remember Montenegro (antagonist)? Why Silent Hill 2 is held up as a legendary horror experience, and why the phrase “would you kindly…” still has the ability to generate chills.  Whether you’re playing on a gaming laptop or a mobile phone, the visuals of a villain are spine chilling! Video game villains are one of the reasons why we cannot stop talking about adventures like System Shock 2 and Sinistar. Speaking of gaming villains, how would you judge your favorite villain? On their prowess, cunningness, gunmanship, fight IQ, leadership, or personality? When it comes to justifying your favouritism for a …

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New Instagram Feature Alert! Now you can be authentic on IG anytime randomly. 

  Be Authentic with New Instagram Feature  According to Meta, a anwesha is circling around. It is similar to BeReal, the social media app that has recently exploded in terms of popularity. However, the proclaimed “IG Candid” was discovered by leaker Alessandro Paluzzi. According to Paluzzi, this new Instagram feature prompts the users to share an authentic photo at a random time each day.    Paluzzi posted a screenshot with Instagram’s description of how the feature could work.  The screenshot read: “Add other’s IG Candid to your story tray. And every day at a different time, get a notification to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes.”  #Instagram is working on IG Candid Challenges, a feature inspired by @BeReal_App ?? ?? Add other's IG Candid to your story tray. And everyday at a different time, get a notification to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes. — Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) August 22, 2022 According to Meta, the company is testing the IG candid feature in a statement given to The Verge.  Meta spokesperson Christine Pai said, “This feature is an internal prototype, and not testing externally. That suggests there’s no definite timeline for when the feature might become …

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