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Understanding the Importance of IoT (Internet of Things) : Pros, Cons, and Opinions

“I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.” – Alan Turing  It seems as if everybody is talking about IoT. The good, the bad, the alarming advent as well as the importance. In the current time where everything is dominated by technology, it is vital for us to understand the importance of Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things or IoT refers to the way of connecting physical objects through the internet to other devices. According to Oracle, more than 7 billion connected IoT devices are currently operating today. In fact, experts anticipate this figure to grow to 22 billion by 2025. Speaking of its relevance, numerous devices in our home can connect to each other and share information using IoT. As a result, our regular household items can (or are able to) integrate with sophisticated tech to do more. Moreover, IoT is smart tech. Although it is currently in an embryogenic stage, it will, sooner or later, evolve. Who knows we might actually have more than just driverless cars and …

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Exploring the IoT Potential in the Post-COVID World

  Introduction The year 2020 is almost gone, we have broken the chains of lockdown but still; the danger is lurking. This year began with the unexpected pandemic that shook the world from its core. With more than 14 million global cases of COVID-19 positive, it had a great impact on the world economy. The curfews in the Gulf States, lockdowns in other countries put businesses, physical roll-outs, and maintenance to delay. Even the IoT (Internet of Things) got delayed too because of the pandemic. The world is interconnected with technological software, digital platforms like social media, and so on. Our world has become so interdependent on the internet that the threat of an internet outbreak sent chills downright.   IoT is everywhere, not only in the online world of the internet but in another form of technology too, like smart apps, smart gadgets, and other technological tools that the public now massively relies on. Sadly, the pandemic slowed down the manufacturing, distribution, and implementation of IoT projects. Amazon is the prime example of how the online orders increased and the number of misplaced orders increased too because of disturbed supply chain flow.   Pave Ways for Companies to Evaluate Workforce Weakness  …

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