Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B, Apple Launched New Home Appliances, and Zebra raises $150M

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Microsoft has recently announced a big healthcare tech acquisition with Nuance for $19.7B. Nuance is a speech-to-text company communications company that is focused on healthcare.  

Last year, Microsoft has announced a Cloud for Healthcare. Meanwhile, Nuance’s industrial products include Dragon Medical One, Dragon Ambient experience, and PowerScribe One for radiology reporting.  

In a blog post, the company said “Today’s acquisition announcement represents the latest step in Microsoft’s industry-specific cloud strategy.”   

Some of its analysts told us that this can aid Microsoft to fill in gaps in healthcare data and speech recognition.  

Also Read: Microsoft Shuts Down Cortana and Removes it from Play Store and App Store 

Silicon Valley Tech Giants  

Apple and Google will attend Senate hearings on app store competition. After Apple’s likely no-show, the company committed to sending its representative.   

In Ghana, Twitter has set up its first African presence. The company said, in a statement, that they are now actively building a team in Ghana which will help them become more immersed in the rich and vibrant communities.  

Meanwhile, Apple has reportedly shared that they will be developing a TV and HomePod combo and iPad-like smart display speaker. The company is also reportedly working on a couple of new options as they are planning for a renewed entry into the smart home, according to Bloomberg 

Startups and venture capital  

The Zebra, Austin’s newest unicorn, has raised nearly $150M which is double revenue in 2020. The company has started its site looking for auto insurance and recently added homeowner’s insurance for people via its real-time quote comparison tool.  

Hardware, on the other hand, is still hard in the Motor City. Adam Leeb, the astronaut’s co-founder, has described the pros and cons of launching a hardware startup in Detroit.  

EcoCart has successfully raised $3M in funding for a Honey-like browser extension to offset shoppers’ carbon emissions. The company is paid a commission by brands to drive traffic, under a standard affiliate marketing model, to their websites. Also, the company uses a portion of the proceeds to offset a shopper’s carbon emissions.  

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