Community Reskilling

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Fundamentally, the term “community reskilling” refers to public-private partnerships that help the residents of a specific region learn the skills needed for emerging or in-demand jobs. The public entities often include mayors’ offices, local economic development agencies, or public institutions of higher education. On the private-sector side, partners almost always include local employers, for whom these efforts serve as a way to build stronger pipelines of local talent in fast-growing jobs. A third category of regional tech or business nonprofits and community-based organizations provide necessary local context. Skills training providers can act as the connective tissue bringing together all of these disparate groups, helping each to advance its own priorities while also contributing to the shared goal of building more resilient and equitable local economies. The three case studies in this report outline what might be called a blueprint for digital transformation — a road map for community leaders seeking to support displaced workers and revitalize regional economies. It is rooted in the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but also that it is possible for regions to learn from one another’s successes, adopt best practices, and avoid pitfalls and challenges


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