The Talent Trap

The way we work has undergone significant changes over the past two years. The pandemic has enabled us to take a step back and for the first time in decades, we have been able to completely reassess the way we work, how we value it, and how to make it more effective for businesses and employees. Like any big transformation, this work revolution brought advantages and disadvantages, for both employers and workers. It is still early, and we are all living through a global experiment with unknown consequences. What we have seen so far though is a period of extraordinary movement of people across jobs and businesses. In the US, over 4.5 million people quit their jobs in one month alone at the end of 2021. In the UK, job vacancies hit a twenty-year high of 1.2 million for the quarter ending November 2021, with many workers deciding to leave their jobs and even switch careers. Our own research has shown us that more than half (53%) of workers in the US and UK are planning to quit their jobs in the next 12 months. With 23% actively looking for new employment today, inevitably, this is going to have an impact on business productivity and more. Read on to learn more about what growth blockers have been identified, and how other leading enterprises are becoming talent-first to combat them.


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