Business Insurance 101

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The idea behind small business insurance is simple: it helps protect you and your company from claims that would otherwise impact your financials, and ultimately the success of your business. Accidents and claims happen—and business insurance makes sure they don’t stop you in your tracks and oers you the peace of mind you need to focus on growing. There are lots of factors that go into determine how much coverage you’ll need. For example, your industry, the number of employees you have, and where you are located are all taken into account when assessing what your policy need are and how much it will cost. Our best advice? Find a policy that is tailored to your business and easy to navigate, so that you get exactly what you need without overpaying for what you don’t. This is simple than it might sound, with the help of an insurance provider and some basic knowledge, of course! In this report, we’ll walk you through the dierent types of insurance, what they cover, and the industries most likely to require them.


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