10 Reasons to Adopt ESignature

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“The way we work has changed. Modern organizations are putting together new technology systems that allow employees to be productive outside a traditional office building. Electronic signature is an important part of that work-from-anywhere toolkit.

Though e-signature has been legally recognized for decades, some businesses have been reluctant to replace traditional ink-and-paper processes. In the last two years, all of that changed. As pandemic disruptions closed down office buildings, organizations of all sizes in all industries began using e-signature to keep business moving. By the time teams returned to a more traditional working environment, e-signature was a permanent part of everyday

In parallel, customer expectations were undergoing their own shift. As transactions moved to the cloud, customers got comfortable with the speed, ease and flexibility of the anywhere economy.

To research the way e-signature usage has impacted business efficiency and customer experiences through the evolving landscape, DocuSign conducted a survey of almost 2000 decision makers at organizations around the world. The questions were about the way signatures were collected, potential challenges in that process and the impact of e-signature.

What we found might surprise you:

Two-thirds of today’s e-signature users started using the technology in the last two years
95% of organizations are either using e-signature, evaluating e-signature providers or planning to purchase a solution in the future
Current e-signature users rate security as the top business benefit
3 in 4 respondents using e-signature describe their signing experience as easy

In this report, we’ll cover the findings of our research and present data that can answer common questions about adopting e-signature technology.”

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