Tiktok’s Users Faced Issues with Like and Views on App

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Today, some of the TikTok user base reported that the likes and views on the video app broke-down for some unknown reason. Due to this, users were seeing a zero like count on TikTok posts which included their own and of other app users. The company later acknowledged the issue. The company has declined to explain the reason behind the problem but said that they are working on a fix.

The company’s support responded to the problem at 2:43 PM ETand then posted at 3:35 PM ET to say that it was in progress. They said that users can expect their app experience return to normal. While a bug issue is not as big of a concern, the issues with TikTok came at a time when the app is under high scrutiny for its ties with China.

TikTok has already been banned in India and according to the reports the U.S. is also considering banning the chinese-based appThe Wall Street Journal reported that ByteDance, TikTok parent company, is considering shifting the company’s headquarters to China to distance from China.

Hence, the issues with the like counts were presumes as a signal that ban was imminent. But that’s not the case. Users said that the short video app was making changes to its algorithms as their ‘For You’ page was not reflecting their interests, but it is impossible to know for sure.

Also Read: TikTok Faces Allegation Regarding Children Privacy Violated

The company’s spokesperson said “Earlier today, some of our users experienced app issues around notifications, the display of likes and view counts, and trouble loading videos on some pages of the app. The issues appear to have been caused by higher traffic than normal on our servers in Virginia, causing temporary service disruptions. We’ve resolved the problem and are investigating the cause, and will share updates as they become available.”

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